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Mauritius – An Offshore Jurisdiction Explained

The Republic of Mauritius (Mauritius) is a tropical island located on the east coast of the African continent and west of the Indian Ocean. Its inhabitants are mainly of African, French and Chinese descent. The main language is English. Mauritius is known for being an international offshore financial center with free and independent economy and good reputation for banking. Mauritius has signed many DTAAs (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements) with many countries and is one of the preferred choices for investors from India, Africa and China.

There are two types of companies registered in Mauritius: One is a Global Business Company (GBC-1), which requires a local presence and a local tax resident to setup the entity. This entity gets to enjoy perks from the double tax exemption agreement held, and payment of taxes is only needed for one country. Suitable for enterprises whom are greatly involved in international trade activities. MAC (Mauritius Authorized Companies) does not require the applicant to have any Mauritius physical presence; however an agent is required with a registered office. The MAC operates similar to an IBC, and does not get to enjoy double taxation concessions. However, the setup and running costs are relatively low and appropriate for most entrepreneurs.

If you are interested and would like to find out more information, please consult


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